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Hi, my name is Helen Craig, and this is my fifth year teaching upper-elementary students! I previously taught fifth and sixth grade in the Upper Peninsula. I received my undergraduate degree from Albion College in elementary education and history, with a minor in French. I completed the Masters in Teaching and Curriculum (MATC) at Michigan State this summer.

In my spare time (not that there's much of that!) I love to be outdoors. In the winter, I enjoy cross-country skiing and snow-shoeing. In the summer, I kayak, bike, and hike. I spend a lot of time outdoors with my dog, Watson.


I am also an avid reader - if your student has trouble finding books they like to read, I will always have a suggestion! Students are always welcome to check out books from my ever-growing classroom library. The only books that don't get to go home are the graphic novels - if these get lost or damaged, they can be quite pricey to replace. 

Please feel free to check in with me if you have any questions or concerns about what is going on in my classroom. You can use the "Contact Me" link or the Remind app (more info on Clasroom Links page). 

About Ms. Craig

I have confiscated fidget spinners, slime, and Pokemon cards, but at 6th grade camp I had to "confiscate" this garter snake!  

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